JULY 2017 degrading his grandparents’ heritage. ZPP is dismayed by the increasing cases of the violation of freedom of expression (photo by ZPP) Category of incident Assault Theft/looting MDP Intimidation/harassment Kidnapping/abduction Unlawful detention July 2017 9 1 5 15 0 2 In Mutasa South on 22 July, the Mutasa District Administrator, Tendai Kapenzi, was allegedly demanding Heroes Day contributions from civil servants. According to the Manicaland Amalgamated Teachers Union leader Obert Masaraure, the District Administrator for Mutasa District wrote a letter requesting contributions towards the Heroes Day commemorations. It was alleged that according to the letter from Kapenzi schoolheads are to pay $3, teachers and other officers pay $2, office orderlies pay $1, villagers pay 50 cents, A1 farmers pay $3, A2 farmers pay $10 and small holder farmers also pay $10. June 2017 9 0 3 5 1 2 In Mutare West, Chiadzwa mining area, it was reported that ten diamond panners were murdered in July. One of the deaths was recorded after a group of over 200 panners were shot at by police and Zimbabwe Consolidated Diamond Company (ZCDC) security officers. It is alleged that police and ZCDC security officers at Chiadzwa diamond fields tried to intercept a group of artisanal miners during an operation by the security personnel, which was clamping down on what they termed illegal miners at the site. Farai Maguwu, Director of Centre for Natural Resource Governance confirmed the incidents to ZPP. Threat level: Low In Chimanimani East ward 13 Manase village head, Golden Manase, allegedly ordered villagers to each donate 50 cents towards Heroes Day commemorations. On 8 July *Peter Ruhanya of MDC-T and Allan Mashava expressed disapproval citing that such programmes are supposed to be sponsored by the government. It was then reported that Manase told them that he was working with orders of the acting District Administrator Lloyd Kasima. Category of incident Theft/looting Discrimination MDP Intimidation/harassment Displacement Forced to attend meetings Murder It was reported that on 10 July in ward 19 Haikuimwe Primary School in Buhera Central, food aid was distributed along partisan lines. Murambinda Social Services department left rice to be distributed to villagers at ward level. However, it is alleged that one ward 19 ZanuPF councillor Sailas Vadzenenga took responsibility of the distribution and only gave the food to ZanuPF members. Those known to belong to MDC-T were denied food aid. It is alleged that people that have been living in Mutare North, Nyarurwe Mountains since 2012 had their houses destroyed and burnt on 12 July. The instruction to destroy their homes was said to have been given by newly installed Chief Hama Marange. Chief Marange instructed his aides to evict the residents citing environmental degradation as the reason for them to move. The chief is alleged to have said that people were July 2017 2 1 1 4 0 0 10 Threat level: Medium 12 June 2017 1 3 4 10 2 5 0

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