the changing nature of political violence in Zimbabwe wherein intra party violence is intensifying due to factional conflicts. Analysis of Violence Victims by Gender Analysis of Violence Perpetrators by Gender From the infographs above it is evident that there are more female victims than there are perpetrators, a trend that is shared by their male counterparts. There is however a distinct difference in terms of the actual figures where there are more male perpetrators in terms of count than there are female, the same goes for female victims, who are numerically less than the male. Figure 1: Distribution of Violations by Party across Provinces Province Bulawayo Harare Manicaland Mash Central Mash East Mash West Masvingo Mat North Mat South Midlands MDC-T 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ZANU PF 1 1 3 7 6 7 6 0 1 6 Total Violations 13 23 33 38 37 26 29 9 9 33 Mashonaland Central province recorded more violations during the month of September. This could be indicative of the factional politics within the ruling Zanu PF party. Mashonaland Central is home to the former Vice President Mujuru and with the rise in factional conflicts, it is assumed that her followers and sympathisers in the province are targets of continuing purges. 10

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