Harassment/intimidation Assault Discrimination Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood 11 1 2 14 Harassment/Intimidation Right to personal integrity and human dignity 14 Theft & Looting Assault Total Property Rights Right to personal integrity and human dignity 1 4 19 Masvingo Mash West Total Joselyn.Chiwenga and had created a relation perceived to hinder progress under the new management. To demonstrate his disconnect from his former wife, General Chiwenga slashed 4 hectares of maize planted by Joselyn and indicated he does not want to see her at the farm. Soldiers are now working as guards and foremen at the farm. There are reports that people in Mashonaland West are being forced to pay for Zanu PF electronic cards regardless of their political affiliation. Party leaders in Mhangura, Makonde and Hurungwe West were using these cards as a means to access agricultural inputs. Some villagers are buying the cards out of fear as those without are viewed as members of the opposition. The province had its share of conflicts emanating from factionalism within Zanu PF. Ø 3 October 2013- The First Lady held her first provincial rally in Chinhoyi. In her speech she denounced the leadership in the province and accused them of being corrupt and vowed to expose the rot in the province. As a gesture of good works she brought 2kg bags of maize and bread for distribution among party members. However, a whole truckload disappeared with the goods. It is believed Zanu PF youths were responsible for the looting so that they could share among themselves. Ø 9 October 2014- A Zanu PF provincial committee held a meeting at Chinhoyi University of Technology Hotel and passed a vote of no confidence on the provincial chairperson Temba Mliswa. Temba was accused of receiving funds from the American Central Intelligence Agency, an accusation he refutes. The meeting was violently disrupted by youths aligned to Mliswa. The operating environment within Zanu PF remains tense as factionalism brews. Mliswa is viewed to belong to the Mujuru faction while those bent to see his downfall are linked to the Mnangagwa faction. The province continued to experience intra-party conflicts both in the Zanu PF and MDC-T as those vying for influential positions in their respective parties exchanged insults and threats openly. Hate speeches characterised most of their meetings. The MDC-T provincial congress held ahead of the national congress showed clear division and conflict between party members supporting Nelson Chinamasa and those for Douglas Mwanzora. Insults and hate speeches were traded openly as party members jostled to gain support for the post of Secretary General. At the beginning of October the First Lady Mrs Grace Mugabe addressed a rally at Mucheke Stadium where she insulted the provincial executive and all those perceived to support the VP Mujuru. Her speech was filled with hate language which could easily incite violence. Factionalism deepened after that provincial rally. The Mnangagwa faction headed by Senator Josiah Hungwe made an attempt to pass a vote of no confidence on the provincial executive led by retired Brigadier General Gwanetsa accusing him of fanning factionalism and for supporting Vice President Joce Mujuru. 8

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