Total in Chidobe ward, Ndlovu village, Hwange West constituency are faced with displacement. This follows the pegging of their area by the Gushungo Housing Cooperative and the Hwange Rural District Council to establish a satellite residential area. This move has resulted in a conflict between the villagers and the Housing Co-op which is running this Zanu PF project with support from the RDC. It is reported that work has began in the area and yet the villagers have not been told where they will be resettled. The latest incident happened on the 20th of October 2014. 9 27 October 2014- In case of intra-party violence within Zanu PF, Joseph Moyo assaulted another Zanu PF supporter accusing the victim of insulting the First Lady Grace Mugabe for her attacks and insults on the VP Mujuru. The argument ensued and degenerated into a fist fight which left the victim injured. The incident happened at Ntabazinduna ward 4 in Umguza constituency. Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity 4 1 5 Harassment/Intimidation Assault Discrimination Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood 7 1 1 The major event of province was the First Lady’s rally held in Gwanda. People were bussed from all parts of the province. The First Lady had no kind words for people she perceived to be fanning factionalism within Zanu PF. Incidents of intraparty fights were also recorded in the province. Ø 4 October 2014 - An MDC -T member who resides at Mtshabezi village ward 6 in Gwanda was nearly beaten by another MDC-T Obed Nyoni also from the same village. The victim was accused of supporting the Tendai Biti’s Renewal Team and was misleading people. Ø 28 October 2014- A Zanu PF activist Japhet Ndlovu of Khozi village, ward 6 in Gwanda was circulating letters to every kraal head within the village informing them that if their people do not attend Zanu-PF meetings they risk being denied access to maize seeds and fertilizers that will be distributed soon. The village heads were not amused by this incident because that places a burden on them to mobilize the villages for the Zanu PF meetings. Bulawayo witnessed an increase in activities of violence and other forms of human rights abuses compared to the previous month of September. Most of incidents of intimidation and assault which took place were triggered by intra-party squabbles in both Zanu PF Bulawa yo Mat South Harassment/Intimidation Assault Total 10

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