Denial of access to journalists Journalists were barred by ZEC from observing the voter registration blitz on the basis that they had not been accredited. This happened on March 12 the first day of the BVR registration blitz. This happened even as the journalists are accredited with the Zimbabwe Media Commission. A CITE news crew covering the first day of the registration exercise was denied information at various centres across Bulawayo, denied permission to take pictures and were instructed by the ZEC staff to only observe. For a long time, media practitioners have raised concerns on dual accreditation as they are already accredited by the Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC) to practise as journalists and are also required by ZEC to accredit to cover elections. ZEC also allegedly failed to provide a position on accreditation at an all-stakeholders meeting conducted in Bulawayo on March 9, 2023. The lack of a position by ZEC made it difficult for political parties, journalists and election observers to observe the voter registration process. Mthwakazi Republic Party (MRP) spokesperson, Velile Moyo, described these actions as ZEC’s unwillingness to respond to transparency in election reforms. After the incidents on the first day encountered by journalists ZEC then issued a statement to the effect that journalists were free to observe the registration exercise with access to all information crucial for the discharge of their duties. Recommendations The Zimbabwe Media Commission and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission should adopt a coordinated or collaborative strategy to guarantee media practitioners seamless conduct of their work. MARCH 2023 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 9

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