As noted in the graph, Mashonaland Central province has the highest number of politically motivated human rights violations with a total of 20 politically motivated violations, 13 of which are serious and five are severe. Mugabe purged then Vice President Joice Mujuru and several others who hailed from this province. In the 2017 military coup, several other top officials like Saviour Kasukuwere lost their positions and this has left the province fractured and in interviews carried out by the ZPP while assessing the impact of the Zanu PF national Mashonaland Central is followed conference happening in the by Mashonaland West, which has province, Zanu PF supporters 15 cases, six of which are severe, confirmed the trend. This was also and Manicaland comes third with a total of 13 violations followed by confirmed by the gravity of human rights violations during Masvingo’s eight cases. the campaign for the provincial Mashonaland Central comes first post by the current chair as a result of the political Kazembe, who used his clout as contestation that took place in Home Affairs minister to interfere Zanu PF ahead of the party’s in the work of the police. In conference. Generally, the September, a challenger to province, which the party claims is Kazembe, Lazarus Dokora was its stronghold, is characterized by assailed by alleged hit-men who deep-seated factional politics that used claw hammers to smash his date back to nearly a decade ago car allegedly with the intention when the former President Robert killing him.

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