The events of this month laid bare the selective application of the law, where Zanu PF activities have gone on without any hindrances and where police have been used to subtly and overtly disrupt opposition political activity. 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Zanu PF supporters in Mupandira near the provincial capital, Bindura, and the matter allegedly got the attention of President Emmerson Mnangagwa who allegedly suspended some senior officers. These were characterised by incidents of violence and arrests were only made where the police acted against those in power. The Zimbabwe Peace Project, recorded 15 cases of intra-party violence within Zanu PF, a 50 percent increase from last month’s 10 cases and out of these, there have been no arrests of any Zanu PF supporters, which goes to show that the ruling party gets away with internal violence, and that impunity is a great cause for concern. For example, in Bindura, on October, 15 police officers were arrested after they assaulted The Zimbabwe Republic Police follows behind Zanu PF as perpetrators of human rights This is largely because while the MDC Alliance was having hurdles thrown in its way, Zanu PF continued to conduct the last round of the its district and provincial internal elections. violations at just over 32 percent. The social and economic state of the country did not improve and while government pushed for an increase in COVID-19 vaccination to 38 percent of the population, Zimbabweans continued to fail to access basic healthcare, education, water, and other social services. The economy did not make it any easier as prices were on a sustained increase spurred on by the fall of the Zimbabwean dollar against the United States dollar. This month, we also take a look at the post-Zanu PF conference environment and the unfolding political environment as the country heads towards 2023.

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