7.7 Masvingo Provincial Highlights Monday 11 October was a fresh low in Zimbabwe’s politics following the unprecedented attack on opposition MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa as he was making the first trip of his national campaign trail to Masvingo. The incident, in which Zanu PF supporters ambushed and stoned Chamisa’s convoy leaving five injured, immediately became the highlight of the province. By the end of the day, videos and pictures shared by the MDC Alliance showed a damaged vehicle and dozens of people carrying placards denouncing “sanctions” could be seen blocking a rural dirt road. ZPP has since established that in exchange for a token, Zanu PF supporters were hired from as far as Ward 6 Summerton and Ward 15 in King Mine area to barricade the roads and throw stones at Chamisa’s convoy. Some of the leaders of the violent attack are one Nhamo Chivanhu Nemamwa and a Mrs Chapwanya. There were allegations that this attack was coordinated by Masvingo West legislator who is also the Masvingo Minister of Provincial Affairs and Devolution Ezra Chadzamira. According to the details established by the ZPP, the hired crowd was bussed from Summerton and King Mine areas on the morning of 11 October 2021 and they were ordered not to wear their Zanu PF regalia so that they could not be associated with the Zanu PF party. Government spokesperson Nick Mangagwa denied that they were Zanu PF supporters, but that was just before the party’s Acting Political Commissar Patrick Chinamasa admitted that the attack had been orchestrated and executed by Zanu PF members who ‘did not want Chamisa to address them as he had forced himself on them’. In what exposes the unconstitutional collusion between the State and the ruling party, state security agents allegedly continued to hound Chamisa’s convoy as he toured other areas like Masvingo, Chivi, Ngundu, Mwenezi, Triangle, Chiredzi, Zaka and Gutu. Assistant Commissioner Florence Marume, who up to now has not arrested any of the alleged perpetrators is said to be a high ranking member of Zanu PF, which raises questions on her impartiality as a civil servant who is supposed to serve the interest of all Zimbabweans. She is the secretary for Legal Affairs in Masvingo Province. The incidents of violence were worrying considering that Zanu PF has a well-documented history of political violence against the opposition. If these incidents continue unaddressed by the responsible authorities at these early stages, Zimbabwe is likely to erupt into a politically volatile environment as the country heads towards 2023.

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