Provincial Highlights 7.3 Mashonaland East The political atmosphere in Mashonaland East remained volatile in October, marked by intense campaigning by Zanu PF and the targeting of opposition political party supporters. Zanu PF has always used aid as a tool for coercion especially in rural communities where disposable incomes are very low. using all means, often brutal, to position themselves as the party prepares for an elective congress in 2022 and general elections in 2023. According to a Unicef report, in Zimbabwe, an estimated 6.8 million people, including 2.8 million children, are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance in 2021 due to multiple hazards, including COVID- 19 and the economic crisis. Traditional leaders remained part of the political matrix, and abused their roles by being partisan, in contravention of the Constitution, which clearly states that traditional leaders are supposed to be apolitical. As government rolled out its In rural Mudzi, Murehwa and It is this vulnerability that the ruling Pfumvudza agricultural inputs Marondera, councillors, Zanu PF party has continued to exploit, using scheme, councillors colluded with officials and activists intimidated MDC food aid as a political weapon to Zanu PF ward chairpersons to Alliance activists, with emphasis that coerce people to gain political support. discriminate opposition political party by not supporting or being part of supporters and the trend was Far from the intimidation over aid, Zanu PF, the villagers risked not observed across the entire province. there were numerous incidents of benefitting from any government intra-party violence, especially in assistance programs. Uzumba, where Zanu PF activists were

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