5.0 The Zanu PF Conference: Opulence Amidst Poverty THE much-hyped Zanu PF national conference came and went, and with it, the millions of US dollars that were expended to make the conference a success. Pic: NewsDay The party president, Emmerson Mnangagwa and his deputy Constantino Chiwenga flew by helicopter into the usually quiet town of Bindura, which is surrounded by farming and rural communities where poverty is the norm. As the party in government, Zanu PF could have used the conference to address pertinent questions of the day, and these include the flailing economy underpinned by the free-falling Zimbabwe dollar and the country’s worsening human rights record. Instead, it became a mega show of wealth and opulence, a fete where the latest vehicles were the major highlight; much more like a middle finger to the poor Zimbabweans and a message that said, everyone else is on their own. Everything of importance was simply ignored: the worsening plight of civil servants; the hungry and livid war veterans; the stressed and jobless youths; women and persons with disabilities.

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