21 April Freedom of It is reported that one Mutemachani who is a war veteran is said to have intimidated Aaron Mundau assembly and whom he accused him of carrying out MDC-T activities in ward 3 of Chiredzi North. Mutemachani is said association to have told Mundau that he was watching him and come 2018 election he was going to pay dearly for carrying out those opposition party activities in ward 3. It is said that the victim and his family now live in fear and the case was not reported to the police as it was said the police would not take any action. Midlands Date HR Provincial highlights Violated 16 April Freedom of It is reported that Shurugwi South ward 18 councillor identified as Kapeta called a meeting in a bid to force assembly residents to contribute towards Independence celebrations. It was said that he first asked the attendees and what they could afford to contribute towards these celebrations. Most indicated at least a dollar per family. association He is alleged to have dismissed this suggestion and imposed that everyone above the age of 18 should contribute $1. Despite residents trying to argue that there is a cash crisis in the country which makes money difficult to get, Kapeta was adamant that they should do as he had said. Those without money were told to contribute in form of either chicken or maize. A committee was setup which carried out a door-to25

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