dignity 5 April Right Reports are that he also coerced villagers at Kazungu Negomo in ward 19 to contribute as well. to It is reported that Zanu PF Chairperson Kaseke Bonde sent a youth delegation coercing residents in ward 12 personal to contribute a $1 per adult towards the Independence celebrations. Reports are that, Anyway Mavhangira security [36] and Makiyi [34] went around the ward collecting money and threatening those that had not contributed Political rights with severe punishment in 2018. It is alleged that the two also threatened Mr Kaswa* with assault when he failed to make a contribution. 8 April Right to It is alleged that Zanu PF members, Africa Chivaura (48) and Wendile Chimusoro (44 ) conducted a door to personal door campaign in Bindura North Constituency Ward 12, illegally collecting money from residents towards the security Independence celebrations. It is reported that the duo residing in ward 12 coerced the victims to contribute either one dollar each, mealie meal, rice, salt or cooking oil. 8 April Political rights It is reported that Zanu PF activists coerced vendors at Mvuri shopping mall to participate during the antiKasukuwere demonstrations held in Bindura. It is alleged that Munyaradzi Chakanetsa, Tirivafi Gwaze, Action Mubaiwa and Party Youth Leader Onward Tembure were the perpetrators. It was reported that the perpetrators threatened the victims with immediate eviction from the market place if they dared fail to attend the demonstrations. 19

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