Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 Manicaland In Manicaland Province, there is increased political intolerance and the people’s political rights are under threat as seen in January 2023. This was notable in Nyanga and Mutare areas. In Nyanga North, ward 18, a man was assaulted by his son. The son was said to be working as a presidential guard and a member of the Zimbabwe National Army. The victim was allegedly assaulted after being accused of being an opposition CCC member by the son in question. In Mutare Central, it was reported that every rank marshal at Sakubva rank in town was allegedly forced to wear the ruling Zanu PF party regalia when loading the commuter omnibuses. If one refused to wear the said regalia, it meant that they would not be allowed to operate for that period and their families would starve. The political tensions are high in Manicaland seen by the obtaining situation. Midlands The main highlights in the Midlands include the partisan distribution of aid and police harassment of vendors and artisanal miners. A man was harassed and denied food aid in Makore ward 11 at Chinyenyetu Hall because he is a member of the CCC political party. The suspected perpetrator is Ranganayi Murambinda, who was part of the AREX team that was distributing fertiliser and maize seeds under the presidential inputs scheme. Artisanal miners and vendors in Mberengwa West were reportedly given two hours to vacate various mining and commercial locations in the Sandawana region. To evict people from the area, the police used force, tear gas, and police dogs. They also seized equipment and detained miners. January 2023 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 26

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