Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 1 The RoundUP The year started with an increase in human rights violations across the country. ZPP recorded 231 human rights violations, up from 209 in December 2022. 58% of the violations were of threats, harassment, and intimation, 15% of assaults and 13% of discrimination. ZPP identified 1 621 victims of human rights violations (79% male, 20% female, 0.2% male persons with disability and 0.4% female PWDs). The general citizens populated the highest percentage of victims, 90%, and Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) supporters followed with 7%. Zanu PF party perpetrated the most violations (47.7%), followed by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) at 17%. Harare (36) and Mashonaland East (34) provinces recorded the highest violations, whilst Matabeleland North (8) and South (10) had the lowest. Law enforcement agents and the ruling party continue to subject Zimbabwe's citizens to gross human rights violations. Zanu PF activists are systematically closing space for political pluralism, making it difficult for opposition supporters to attend and conduct their meetings. Citizens, mostly from rural communities, are being barred and banned from attending opposition meetings and, in most cases, forced or coerced to attend ruling party meetings. As the elections draw near, there is a rise of infringements on citizens' rights. Among the reported issues is forcing citizens to submit their national identity details at Zanu PF gatherings, a tactic used by the ruling party to intimidate citizens. The report observed numerous cases of assaulted citizens who sustained severe injuries in Nyanga, Murehwa, Kadoma, Goromonzi and Mbare, amongst others. Threats and intimidation cases were prevalent in Chimanimani, Mberengwa, Murehwa, UMP, Lupane, Bindura, Insiza and Mzilikazi, to name a few. Political intolerance has reached high levels, and the tense environment has the potential to brew more violence and electoral malpractices in the coming months. The Monthly Monitoring Report is a compilation of human rights violations in Zimbabwe. The report exposes perpetrators, informs citizens about social, political, economic, civil, and cultural rights, and is used to develop advocacy initiatives with various stakeholders. ZPP launched the #RRRV2023 campaign ahead of the 2023 elections to mobilise Zimbabweans to Resist, Reject, and Report violence. The campaign seeks to ensure a peaceful election process where voters can express their views and report violations while enhancing their awareness and responsiveness to increase the pressure on duty bearers to take responsibility for their actions. January 2023 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 1

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