June 2019 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS In Mazowe Central at Tsungubvi old clinic in Glendale Ward 17 Zanu PF chairperson Jonathan Kudangirwa, Cain Mota and other party activists reportedly convened a residents meeting on the 7th of June, threatening to deal with petitioners. Kudangirwa and his colleagues warned residents not to participate in mass demonstrations. They alleged that the ruling party had acquired enough ammunition to deal with petitioners. They were quoted that pfuti tinadzo dzokupfura ma penzi (We have enough guns to shoot fools). They also warned that those who will participate in demonstrations will live to regret it. Looming Conflict is highly likely as indicated by recorded incidences of intra-party violence in the ruling party. So serious are these conflicts that they often degenerate into violent confrontations. On the 21st of June in Mutoko South at Kushinga Shopping Centre Ward 26, Zanu PF supporters were engaged in a violent tussle which led to some members suffering serious injuries. Mutoko South Provincial Coordinator Mrs Unnah Munganjo and four other party members were assaulted by Zanu PF supporters who accused them of supporting the local Member of Parliament Honourable Herbet Shumbamhini. The Legislator was accused of corruption and abuse of public office and Munganjo and other victimised members were accused of failing to attend to the matter which resulted in their assault. Also noteworthy are accusations levelled against high profile individuals in the ruling party as well as government by Zanu PF Youth League President Lewis Mathuthu. Mathuthu singled out former First Lady Grace Mugabe and gave her a two-week ultimatum to keep one farm and surrender 15 others she allegedly owns. President Mnangagwa revealed during a live radio interview on Capitalk FM on the 14th of June that the ongoing land audit revealed that the former First Lady owned 16 farms. Mathuthu threatened to have the youths invade the farms and have them divided into 10 hectares for youths if the former First Lady does not respond timeously to the ultimatum. The Economic Turmoil the country is facing has not done much to ease the sense of impending doom that is stalking citizens. Various sector labour unions representatives such as university lecturers, bankers, health sector, and teachers threatened industrial action stating that they are no longer capacitated to go to work and effectively perform their duties. Meanwhile, service providers’ demand for USD for payments while the RTGS currency was losing value on a daily basis led to the daily escalation of prices. In response to these 6

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