June 2019 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS Threats of aggressively confronting the government (MDC Youth Assembly) together with those of retaliatory responses (Zanu PF) make for a tense and possibly a volatile confrontation between the ruling party and the opposition. Utterances that politicians make always tend to have an adverse effect on their supporters. Therefore, these threats and counter threats may breed a toxic ground for conflict therefore ZPP will closely follow unfolding events. ZPP calls for:  A speedy and genuine intervention by government to show that the Mnangagwa administration genuinely seeks to preserve peace in the country. Threats of violence by the ruling party and /or by the opposition should be sternly discouraged.  Zimbabweans must enjoy their civil liberties. If they want to complain about the current economic conditions (Freedom of ABOUT ZPP Expression) or demonstrate (Freedom to Petition and demonstrate) The organisation was founded in 2000 by church-based and human rights organisations. The current members of ZPP are Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe (EFZ), Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC), Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Zimbabwe (CCJPZ), Counselling Services Unit (CSU), Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights), Civic Education Network Trust (CIVNET), Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) and Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe (WCoZ). ZPP was established with the objective of monitoring, documenting and building peace and promoting the peaceful resolution of disputes and conflicts. The Zimbabwe Peace Project seeks to foster dialogue and political tolerance through non-partisan peace monitoring activities, mainly through monitors who document the violations of rights in the provinces. The monitors, who at full complement stand at 420, constitute the core pool of volunteers, supported by four Regional Coordinators. The Regional Coordinators relate with the national office headed by the National Director and programme officers in various units. they must freely do so as that is well within their rights. Ruling with fear should be history left in the Mugabe era and must not be allowed to ever fester in Zimbabwe.  A genuine intervention in addressing economic challenges in the country. Living conditions of people continue to deteriorate at alarming levels and government must show its sincerity by addressing this speedily. Zimbabweans deserve better. If you are concerned about acts of violence in your community ZPP encourages you to get in touch on WhatsApp numbers: +263 774 883 406 and +263 774 883 417 13

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