37.61% The fact that the general citizens were on their own is backed by the statistics of the human rights violations recorded in the month of March 2021. The harassment of citizens by state security agents continued, and ZPP recorded 79 cases, with the police once again leading the list of perpetrators making up 37.61 percent of the perpetrators of the human rights violations logged in March 2021. The municipal police in Harare contributed to 7.55 percent of the perpetrators. 16.77% The violations by the national and municipal police, ZPP noted in its documentation processes, was mainly due to the continued attempts to stifle the operations of those in the informal sector. “Police continued with their patrols here and whenever they came, they confiscated our goods and made us pay fines for simply selling our wares. It is as if the full lockdown is still in place,” a vendor in Highfields said of the month of March. ZPP recorded two killings, 18 assaults and 14 unlawful detentions, one case of torture and one case of attempted murder. Politicisation of food and other aid remained prevalent across the country and ZPP registered 27 cases of food and other aid discrimination. The ruling Zanu PF, which appears to have geared itself into election mode way ahead of the 2023 elections, contributed to a significant 16.77 percent of perpetrators of violations recorded in March 2021. 14 In the face of being evicted to pave way for a Lucerne grass project Dendairy, a dairy company, villagers in Chilonga continued to speak, daring government to approach them. While the law that had been put in place to evict the over 12000 families from their ancestral home near Chiredzi has been suspended, there is need for more interventions to ensure the protection of the people of Chilonga. ZPP, which has peace building initiaves in Chilonga, visited the area and documented the villagers’ concerns as part of efforts to build a wide solidarity base in support of the people of Chilonga. • WATCH HERE THIS VIDEO, WHERE A CHIEF DARES GOVT ON THE EVICTIONS Widowed Florence Chibaya Gwanetsa said she no longer had the energy to start clearing land for agriculture if she is moved to another place. • WATCH VIDEO AS SHE SPEAKS HER HEART OUT 3

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