ZPP has noted with concern the continued selective enforcement of COVID-19 regulations, especially concerning gatherings. On 23 December the President held a rally in Chivi where thousands were gathered despite the maximum number of persons at gatherings being 100. On 27 December, the MDC-T held their extra ordinary congress in Harare where hundreds were in attendance, with no physical distancing in place (even resulting in one of the presidential hopefuls, Dr Thokozani Khupe testing positive to COVID-19). This being the case there have not been any visible steps to contact trace all those who were delegates at the Congress. Through out the months of November and December, the Zanu PF DCC elections were taking place despite the Minister of Health having suspended all by-elections under the pretext of preventing the spread of COVID-19. On 31 December, there were reports of celebratory gatherings in Mbare and an event allegedly organized by business mogul, Kuda Tagwirei. Earlier on, Information minister Monica Myutsvangwa had hosted a birthday bash, and visuals showed there was no social distancing and adherence to COVID-19 protocols. Ironically, no action has been taken against the majority of these cases except for the Mbare one where police have started instituting arrests. The question then becomes why make arrests in Mbare only; and why not the rest of the organisers of the other events? If government is sincere in the fight against the pandemic, then a level of seriousness must be displayed in dealing with those who break the lockdown regulations. Politics must be put aside and everyone subjected to the same treatment; if Zimbabwe is going to win the battle against COVID-19. ZPP calls on government to subsidise the PCR COVID-19 testing so that it is affordable to individuals; thereby decreasing cases of people who obtain fake certificates. At USD 60.00, the amount is way beyond the majority and by maintaining such a high cost government is not making it possible for most people to access testing. The test certificates must also be standardized to reduce numbers of individuals who present fake certificates at points of entry. Strict penalties must be imposed on anyone caught on the wrong side of the law; where these certificates are concerned. Citizens also must realize they have a responsibility to ensure they protect themselves and those around them; and lying about COVID-19 test will only expose everyone to the virus. ZPP still implores government to strengthen its COVID-19 Experts Advisory Committee so as to ensure that decisions that are made are in the best interest of citizens and that the virus is not at all used as a way of gaining political mileage. Considering the sudden surge in COVID-19 cases and related deaths since the re-opening of the borders to the public, government should consider keeping borders closed until such a time when it is safe to do so. 10

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