Matabeleland North The major political activity in the province in the month of November was the intensive resource mobilisation for the Zanu-PF conference which was slated for early December in Victoria Falls. As such, only Zanu-PF was visible on the ground as they were busy preparing for their annual conference in Victoria Falls. Civic society organizations were more active in commemorating the 16 days of activism against gender based violence. Poverty and hunger affected communities of Binga, Tsholotsho Lupane and Hwange the worst. Several cases of children, especially girls dropping out of school due to poverty and early marriages were noted. Environmental rights were grossly violated by poachers who used cyanide to poison water and kill elephants. As a result elephants, birds and other animals died. Highlights:  On 4 November 2015, Philip Nyoni, a member of the Social Welfare Department team distributing food at Madimoni Centre in Lusulu was accused of being an MDC-T member and had his phone taken from him for several hours by Zanu-PF district chairperson for Sinamagonde District, Allan Tshuma. He was also verbally insulted. Matabeleland South Few political activities were noted in the province in November as people went about mainly looking for food. The severe heat wave also restricted people’s movements. Political parties held low level meetings. Intra-party conflict within Zanu-PF was noted in some areas as members were scrambling for limited opportunity to go to Victoria Falls for their conference set for December. The rally held by the First Lady and Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko in the province fuelled more controversy as members fought for recognition. Highlights:  On 17 November 2015, Japhet Moyo, a Zanu-PF committee member, and kraal head, Azeron Nkala, removed chairperson of the local Red Cross garden committee and a pastor with the Zion Church from his post as the committee chairperson accusing him of not being a member of Zanu- PF. This disadvantaged villagers as they want a non partisan person for the Red Cross programme. 22

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