victim reported the incident to Zhombe police but the three actors are yet to be arrested.  Chief Jabulani Mkombo of Vungu is up in arms against MDC-T supporters in Ward 8 of Vungu. The ward is under the councillorship of an MDC-T member, Spiwe Moyo. The chief is accusing the councillor of giving MDCT members farming land in the area without his knowledge. On 10 October 2015, he accused Moyo of giving party members the land in an effort to dilute Zanu-PF support in the constituency. The Chief has since given the MDC-T supporters an ultimatum to leave the area before the onset of the rainy season.  On 6 October 2015, in Gweru, intra-party conflict in the MDC-T came to the fore when two factions, one allegedly led by Amos Chibaya and the other supposedly sympathetic to Sessel Zvidzai, were making travel arrangements to the burial of Thamsanga Mahlangu. Each team was organizing transport for its supporters. It is believed, Amos Chibaya is a front for Nelson Chamisa while Sessile Zvidzai is fighting in Morgan Tsvangirai’s corner. 27

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