Zanda (not real name) were some of the people who were discriminated against. Matabeleland South Factionalism in Zanu-PF and MDC-T parties continued with Minister of Sports and Recreation Andrew Langa being dismissed and replaced by alleged Mnangagwa loyalist, Makhosini Hlongwane. In MDC-T they were frequently failing to hold meetings as a result of intra-party factional squabbles. Highlights:  On 14 October 2015, at Dwaleni Bhalula Ward 14 Centre, a Zanu-PF district member, one, Zulu, who was verifying party cell structures, declared that all villagers in the ward should join the ruling party, failure of which would result in them not accessing food aid. Midlands The environment has thawed a bit after the major drivers of inter-party violence shifted their energy and attention to factional fights within their political parties. Highlights:  On 24 October 2015, a rain making ceremony was turned into a political rally after it was hijacked by politicians in Chiodza Village under Chief Chireya in Gokwe Chireya constituency. The chief and headmen Chireya, Mtashu and Murunga had called Chireya community for a ceremony in Chiodza Village. The ceremony was attended by people from different political backgrounds as they thought it was apolitical. To their surprise, Zanu-PF central committee members who included Shane Hove, Chiherenge, Andrew Shava and Tongai Mudimurirwa, all of Zanu-PF, allegedly began chanting party slogans and denouncing other political formations. Disgruntled, people began to disperse leading to the cancellation of the ceremony.  On 2 October 2015, MDC-T member, Mandla Mpofu (not real name) of Mupondi Village, Ward 8 Zhombe had his mining ore allegedly confiscated by, one, Naison Moyo and three others after accusing the victim of being an MDC-T sympathiser. The actors went to the mine situated in Mupondi Village and told the victim that they were taking over the five tonne ore and the mine. They said the victim could not enjoy the benefits of the country since his party was against black economic empowerment. The 26

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