as they suspected him to be a member of MDC-T. Sungu managed to somehow sneak out of the meeting without any further incident.  John Muzi (not real name), a suspected MDC-T supporter, was allegedly harassed by war veterans from Amajuba Farm and Mardavale Farm in Guruve North. He was told to go back to Zanu-PF or risk losing all items he had ever benefitted through the ruling party when he was a member.  On 11 October 2015, there was heavy fighting amongst Zanu-PF supporters in Ward 27 Forrester Farm in Mvurwi, Mazowe North. It was during Zanu-PF district elections which had been postponed for the fourth time because of violence. The Zanu-PF provincial chairperson, Dickson Mafiosi, had visited ward 27 to restore order but this did not stop the supporters of rival candidates to fight. The two groups started by exchanging vulgar words and ended up exchanging blows. Meanwhile, white farmers are said to be bearing the costs of the elections as they are made to provide their workers with transport to and from the elections. Their workers have to attend the elections or else the farmers will be victimised. They lose money in transport costs and their workers spend production hours attending the elections. Zanu-PF youths threaten to use violence on the people that do not attend the party meetings. Efforts by ZPP to reach Mafiosi for comment were in vain as his cell phone kept being answered. However, Commercial Farmers Union director, Henry Olivier, told ZPP that even though no farmers had officially made reports to that effect to CFU, he was inclined to believe that farmers were being made provide transport. “I would not be surprised that farmers are being made to provide transport,” Olivier said.  The First Lady Grace Mugabe held a rally at Chimhanda Township in Rushinga. She handed out tractors and a truckload of goods that included clothing, maize, rice, sugar and shoes. The people pushed towards the truck to receive the goods as they were distributed. There was a stampede, which led the military police to beat up people and set dogs on them. A number of people were injured because of the stampede and beating by the police.  Frank Guy Dollar, a commercial white farmer in Centenary, brought a letter from the land office to reclaim his farm that had been taken by two war veterans identified as Mukoka and Joseph Seremwi on 28 October 2015. On 30 October the two organised Zanu-PF youths to go and forcibly evict Dollar from the farm. The youths were warned against the move by Constable Kanyuchi who indicated, that if they were not happy with the reclaim of Tzoro Farm by Dollar, they should go to the land office. At the time of going to print ZPP was unable to confirm developments on this case with the police and with Dollar. However, CFU 19

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