RECOMMENDATIONS 1 ·Government, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission and the Zimbabwe Republic Police must take serious steps now to enhance the participation of PWDs in the electoral system and thereby protect them from any form of political violence in the upcoming 2023 election and postelection period. 3 5 2 ·There is need for government to setup a robust and inclusive dispute resolution and settlement mechanism at community level, regularly reviewed by community members. ·The Government and political parties should make their structures more inclusive for persons with disabilities, particularly women and young persons. 4 ·Political parties should come up with measures that protect PWDs at any of their meetings and rallies. ·CSOs are challenged together with ZEC to come with more electoral information and materials, civic and voter education tailored for persons with disabilities, in formats such as Braille, sign language and audio as required. 6 ·Government is urged to come up with disability friendly budgets. Information on the numbers and their needs should be harvested from the Population and Housing Census 2022 FACTSHEET P3

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