Provincial Summaries Bulawayo Food violations were the most commonly recorded violations and other civic and political rights were violated during the course of this month. The province also witnessed interparty conflict between ZAPU and Zanu PF. Others were also victimised for supporting the MDC-T Date Date unknown HR Violated Freedom of association Provincial highlights MDC-T ward 10 councillor Gladys Masuku (48yrs) in Entumbane was insulted and threatened with a beating by Zanu PF activists Clarence Banda (48yrs), Valentine Gonyora (56yrs) and Josephine Mkandla (51yrs). The three accused her of displaying favouritism towards MDC-T residents and disadvantaging Zanu PF members. The incident happened at Entumbane City Council housing offices and the councillor was rescued by council security guards. 10 January In Bulawayo Central Petros Sibindi* (40yrs and ZAPU member) was verbally harassed and intimidated by Memory Nonso (35yrs and Zanu PF). Sibanda was accused of associating himself with a party of ‘traceable history of failures’.

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