On September 23, Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga's ailing ex-wife Marry Mubaiwa had part of her right arm amputated at a local healthcare institution, after several unsuccessful appeals to the courts to have her passport and get specialised treatment abroad. Mubaiwa is accused of violating the Marriages Act and attempted murder. The continued targeted persecution through the prosecution of Marry Mubaiwa shows the failure of the state to promote and uphold women's rights, including the right to health. In a case at the Siansundu Clinic in Binga, the persisting water shortage has led to women bringing buckets of water to access healthcare. On September 11, a hand grenade is reported to have exploded close to Gadzema Stadium in Chinhoyi, where CCC leader Nelson Chamisa was scheduled to address a rally. The opposition party stated that the grenade thrown from a moving vehicle was an act of intimidation by suspected state agents and Zanu PF activists. Such acts of violence display high levels of political intolerance as the country enters into the shadows of the next election, signifying how potentially violent the election will be. Religious leaders have become major instigators of human rights violations. These leaders abuse their congregation members primarily in apostolic and pentecostal churches. During community activities, the ZPP learned that several apostolic leaders in Chiredzi Ward 7 take young underage girls to pray for many days, exposing them to sexual assault and forced marriages at a young age. In the Mahenye area in Chiredzi, a 13-year-old girl was married to a prophet named Madzibaba Terminate. While religion unites people from various backgrounds, it is disheartening that people blindly accept their leaders' orders despite violating their rights. 6

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