officials at a party meeting at Masuku Business Centre and requested to buy party cards and also register for food and maize seed. 21 November Right to Food In Hololo village, Tsholotsho South ward 22 councilor Phumuza Ziya Dube was accused by villagers of writing names of his fellow Zanu PF members only for food relief benefits. He was accused of doing this in conjunction with his zone leaders who are also Zanu PF. 25 November Right to Water Right to Health The Sipepa Business Centre and Hospital in ward 5 of Tsholotsho North, under chief Matupula, continue to be without water after the Zinwa water pump broke down. This has been worsened by an electric fault in the area. The water crisis poses a serious health hazard in the affected hospital, school and shops. Province Date HR Violated Provincial highlights Matabeleland South 3 November Right to Food Zanu PF activists in Beitbridge East were compiling lists of people to benefit from welfare food and farm inputs. Villagers complained why party activists instead of the councilor and village heads did the registration as this might lead to discrimination. The Zanu PF activists were promising that people would receive 10kg maize seed, 2 bags of 50kg fertilizer and 50kg maize per family. 10 November Right to Food Umzingwane Zanu PF officials are alleged to have been registering people for farming inputs claiming it was from their party yet the villagers believed it was a government scheme. The Department of Social Welfare distributed food in ward 6 but not everyone benefitted as the maize was insufficient. 30

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