25 November Right to Food Freedom of Association Province Date Matabeleland North HR Violated Provincial highlights Right to Water Tsholotsho North reported dire shortage of water as boreholes and dams are drying up due to a lowering water table. Villagers continue to lose a lot of livestock as a result of the water shortages. Some boreholes broke down and are in need of repairs. Food shortages remained critical but at least these have been abated by provision of food aid by Plan International that provided sorghum, beans and cooking oil to families not benefitting from the welfare scheme like those in wards 3, 4, 5 and 6 under chief Matupula area and the Department of Social Welfare. Right to Food 4 November Right to Food Freedom of Association 19 November It is alleged that *Caroline Mwashita did not receive agricultural inputs that was distributed by Zanu PF Women’s League Chairperson, Susan Mukura in ward 6 Kadoma Central. Mwashita claims that her failure to chant Zanu PF slogans and show support for the party is what led to her discrimination. Right to Food Freedom of Expression At Binga North Department of Social Welfare food distribution at Manjolo Business centre the Sikalonga ward 9 councilor found that a number of his fellow MDC-T party members were allegedly erased from the register and did not get food. The councilor then approached Chief Sikalonga and the six ward officers to lodge a complaint after which he was insulted and the local leaders declared that the maize was for Zanu PF supporters only and not for MDC-T traitors. The councilor has since lodged a complaint with the welfare department at Binga District offices and awaits a response. *Simangaliso Dungeni and Mandla Tshuma of village 2 in ward 3 at Bubi crossed the floor from MDC-T to Zanu PF saying they were tired of failing to get drought food relief as MDCT did not provide the food. They said they were joining Zanu PF to enable them to benefit from the drought relief scheme and other government programs. They approached Zanu PF 29

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