Discrimination, political intolerance, unfair distribution of food aid and disagreements over the introduction of bond notes were some of the issues recorded. The rains that were received in early November caught farmers unprepared as most were yet to receive inputs promised under the Command Agriculture Scheme. Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 6 November Political rights Police disrupted an MDC-T rally addressed by MDC-T Vice President, Nelson Chamisa, at Mandava Stadium in Zvishavane. It is alleged that police officers approached the venue and ordered the party supporters to disperse. When the MDC-T supporters expressed reluctance the police officers began throwing tear gas canisters into the stadium and arrested five of the party’s supporters. Freedom of Assembly 19 November Political rights Stephen Masunda, a Zanu PF supporter forced *Tarisai Nyoni, an MDC-T supporter to stop ploughing in his farm and attend a Zanu PF rally at Makuva Secondary School in ward 28 at Mberengwa South. Freedom of Assembly 22 November Right to Agricultural Land Headman Mufaro Bushe of Zanu PF ordered *Denis Lubimbi to stop clearing land where he intended to construct his homestead. Bushe claimed that land is for people who attend and identify themselves with Zanu PF in Mtemba village, ward 29 of Mberengwa South. 24 November Right to Information Zanu PF supporter, Masara Mafukidzangwa, threatened *Noel Zinyemba at Svisvi Business centre ward 12 Gokwe Sesame. Zinyemba had been distributing copies of the Zimbabwean Constitution and other reading material relating to peace building in Chikuni village. 29 November Freedom of Expression *David Matonga, a Zanu PF supporter, sustained a broken arm and was admitted at Gokwe District Hospital after his son who supports MDC-T assaulted him for showing him a bond note valued at $2. It is alleged that the son, Mugove was furious as he believed the money would cause more harm than good to the economy. *The names of victims have been changed to protect their identities. 22

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