The Zimbabwe Peace Project notes the Zimbabwe Council of Churches’s
statement on the Church and the Public space, which emphasizes’ ZCC profession
of an ‘unfaltering resolve to remain true to its calling of prophetic presence that
promotes a better and inclusive future, one that will enable it to continue nurturing
a culture of peace, justice, prosperity, and reconciliation in Zimbabwe.’ The
statement further notes that it calls for the “church to be a light in the darkness,
upholding human dignity.”
In light of the shrinking civic space in Zimbabwe it is prudent that ZCC encourages
the church “to speak out against injustice and to work to build a more just and
equitable society.” The statement also calls for the church to promote dialogue,
understanding, and forgiveness, and to work to heal the wounds of the past, a key
ingredient towards sustainable peace in Zimbabwe.
ZCC further emphasizes the critical importance of constitutionalism, the rule of
law, and good governance in Zimbabwe. They highlight that the nation's
constitution, designed to uphold justice and human rights, is being undermined,
serving to protect and enrich a select few rather than the majority, hence the call
for active civic engagement, urging citizens to responsibly exercise their rights and
advocate for leaders who embody values of service and righteousness. ZPP greatly
notes and appreciates’ the church commitment to speaking with a prophetic voice
in the public square, and to work to create a more just, peaceful, and prosperous
Zimbabwe. Read the full statement here
10 STEPS BACKWARDS attack on freedom of expression.
The Zimbabwe Peace Project deeply regrets the government’s attack on the
fundamental freedoms of the people particularly on Freedom of expression. In
February alone, 944 individuals were silenced and denied their right to express
themselves. The government's exploitation of the law to suppress freedom of
expression is deeply concerning. The recent arrest of journalist Blessed Mhlanga is
a blatant attack on press freedom, aimed at silencing critical voices. Mhlanga's
charges, allegedly inciting violence through data messages, stem from statements
made by liberation war veteran Blessed Geza, highlighting the politicization of the
law and suppression of dissenting voices. This arrest sends a chilling message to
journalists and media outlets, warning them against reporting on sensitive topics
or criticizing those in power. The unjustified denial of bail to these journalists
further underscores the government's intent to muzzle dissenting voices.
Zimbabwe's dismal ranking on the Press Freedom Index, 160 out of 180, is a stark
reflection of this reality, with far-reaching implications for peace and democracy.
By stifling free expression, the government undermines the foundations of a
healthy democracy, where diverse perspectives and opinions are essential for
informed decision-making and holding those in power accountable. This sets a
perilous precedent, emboldening those in positions of power within communities
to silence or muzzle dissenting voices as has already been seen in various
communities where traditional leaders and politicians are threatening and
harassing people who do not necessarily agree with their views. Such disregard
for individuals rights and freedoms takes us ten steps backwards from creating
sustainable peace in Zimbabwe.