Monthly Monitoring Report March 2024 Provincial Highlights Masvingo Bulawayo In Masvingo Province there were a host of violations including assaults, violations of rights to freedom of assembly and association, political rights among others. At Denge Village in Ward 9 of Chivi North, a ZANU PF member identified as Shelton Mapuranga threatened terror on villagers and a certain family for inviting Nelson Chamisa to address mourners at a funeral of their matriarch. After the burial, it is said Shelton and crew threatened to beat all villagers who had organized and invited Nelson Chamisa. A similar case of disregard for the right to freedom of assembly and association was recorded in ward 15 of Masvingo Province , where a village head identified as Desmond Rukomba summoned community members supporting Nelson Chamisa' Blue Movement. The village head accused the villagers for attending and mobilizing villagers to meet Amos Chibaya, a political actor aligned to a movement canvassing support for Chamisa. The village head threatened to remove those that attended from the food aid beneficiary Cases of political intolerance were recorded in the province often culminating in political violence. Sizakele Sibanda of Mthwakazi Liberation Party assaulted a male victim in Lobengula suburb, after the former told Sibanda that their party seemed to be more of a tribal outfit than a political party. The remarks angered Sibanda who assaulted him with punches and blows. In ward 20 of Phelandaba-Tshabalala at Mayenziwe Shop borehole, a ZANU PF activist identified as Mai Mthandazo denied several victims access to clean water, because they are nonmembers of the ruling party. Mai Mthandazo claimed that the borehole was drilled by ZANU PF, hence only ruling party members are permitted. Everyone, according to Section 77 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, has a right to safe, clean and potable water, and must also be treated equally and not to be discriminated against (Section 56) list and that they may face evictions from the village. The act violates political rights as well as freedom of assembly and association. Matabelaland North Several violations were reported in the province including incidents of forced attendance at public gatherings, intimidation, discrimination and unfair distribution of food aid on party lines. ZANU PF was at the center of intimidation and used the promise of food aid to compel community members to join and support its activities or risk not benefiting from the relief programmes. In ward 9 at Saba village, an MDC-Alliance activist identified as Fank Mudimba threatened to beat up 2 male victims for stating that the only solution to the Zimbabwean Crisis was Nelson Chamisa. In Matabeleland South, there were violations related to intimidation and disregard for human dignity. In Ward 4 of Gwanda-Tsitaudze constituency, Matabeleland South Gerald Moyo a ZANU PF member manhandled a victim and tore apart his shirt in the full glare of the public. The victim, a CCC supporter had refused to remove his party’s branded t-shirt saying his party is fully registered and he had rights to support it. Moyo then responded harshly leaving the victim embarrassed and shaken. 7

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