5.0 War on Civil society The constitution, which states that executive authority is derived from the people of Zimbabwe, also clearly outlines that the President MUST uphold, defend, obey and respect the Constitution as the supreme law of the nation and must ensure that the Constitution and all the other laws are faithfully observed. The supreme law of the land goes on to state that the President must promote unity and peace in the nation for the benefit and well-being of ALL the people of Zimbabwe, ensure protection of the fundamental human rights and freedoms and the rule of law; and respect the diversity of the people and communities of Zimbabwe. We urge the government to go back to the founding principles and work for the people of Zimbabwe, for it is from the people that their mandate is derived. ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT JULY 2021 We take this chance to kindly remember, if he does not, his speech in November 2017 and in August 2018, where he promised to open up democratic space and create a culture of tolerance, diversity and plurality in all sectors. “My Government will work towards ensuring that the pillars of the State assuring democracy in our land are strengthened and respected.” He went on to say, “My goal is to preside over a polity and run an administration that recognises strength in our diversity as a people, hoping that this position and well-meant stance will be reciprocated and radiated to cover all our groups, organisation and communities…” We ask, Mr President, Do you Remember? 21

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