2.3 Povincial Highlights Matabeleland South Province ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT JULY 2021 “Selective Command” Low level intimidation continues to happen in Matabeleland South as the fresh vetting of war veterans continues. In Manama village of Gwanda South it was reported that a ZanuPF activist identified as Vumani Moyo intimidated villagers who criticized the war veterans’ vetting program citing that the state is neglecting youths yet prioritizing war veterans who are known perpetrators of human rights violations. The audit of the command livestock began in the province and beneficiaries of the scheme were being asked to account for the support they received. Beneficiaries of the previous scheme were being asked to give back two calves to be handed over to new beneficiaries. The highly politicized program is being led by ZanuPF officials and one of the party activists in Matobo Ward 6, Moses Sibanda, told members of the community that the government scheme was for ZanuPF supporters and one needed to join the party in order to benefit. At Insiza North it was reported that a ZanuPF activist only identified as SaBessy was going household by household telling citizens to register in his cell group. It is said that he was forcing even those that told him that they were uncomfortable in being part of the cell group. 14

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