2.3 Povincial Highlights Masvingo “Political ends first” ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT JULY 2021 In Masvingo province ZanuPF continued to conduct physical gatherings in defiance of government’s restrictions with no consequences. The party organized meetings and campaigns in Bikita East and Masvingo West. In all these, villagers were not given much of a choice and had to attend the gatherings for political protection. By not attending, they risked being targeted as members of the opposition and the consequences include physical harm and removal from the list of beneficiaries of government aid. This is because ZanuPF has fully manipulated the social welfare food aid process such that it has become more of a political party process than a government one. In an incident in Bikita East, one of the ZanuPF meetings was addressed by one Rukweza Muchaya, who promised the over 40 gathered ZanuPF supporters that they were to receive any aid that was to be delivered by government soon and that no opposition member would to benefit. Midlands “COVID a Zanu thing” There was heightened political activity in the province, notably in Gokwe Sesame, Gumunyu and Mberengwa East areas. In Gokwe Sesame, ZanuPF members were gathering people to campaign for the Member of Parliament for the 2023 election. ZanuPF activists Tongesai Munyere and Tinashe Masvingise mobilized people and convened gatherings in preparation for contesting in the ZanuPF primary elections. Information gaps on the COVID-19 vaccine still existed and were so glaring in Mberengwa that some of the villagers there believed that COVID-19 was ‘just a ZanuPF political gimmick and that the disease did not exist.’ With little information, villagers went on about their business and even expressed annoyance over the closure of schools. ZPP noted that the villagers were frustrated to an extent of perceiving that the government was oppressing them and equating it to11 the Ian Smith regime or even worse.

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