#PROVINCIAL OUTLOOK MASVINGO , FOUR CCC OFFICIALS WERE ARRESTED WHILE CONDUCTING A PARTY PROGRAMME IN ZAKA NORTH CONSTITUENCY BULAWAYO ZANU PF ACTIVISTS FORCED VENDORS TO BUY PARTY CARDS MAT NORTH ZANU PF ALSO CONTINUED TO USE FOOD AS AN INSTRUMENT TO CAMPAIGN In the province, as in others, Zanu PF supporters have already begun targeting opposition supporters while the police have continued to act in a partisan manner, arbitrarily arresting CCC supporters. For example, on 21 May 2022, in Zaka North, four CCC officials were arrested while conducting a party programme in Zaka North Constituency. The four, Johannes Chongore, Manners Mundoga, Method Gwangwava and Tendai Machisani were arrested in Zaka and taken to Central Investigations Department Law and Order Masvingo. The arrests come on the backdrop of a number of cases countrywide, where CCC supporters have either been arrest or harassed for simply conducting their campaigns and this is happening as other political parties are freely conducting their business. The month of May witnessed the rise of political intolerance among political parties. This was due to the fact that election momentum has been heightened by the recent by-elections. A case of political intolerance was reported at Esiqongweni of Magwegwe constituency, when Adam Mtshayisa of an unknown political party intimidated Sizakele Mhlanga. It is said that Mtshayisa intimidated Mhlanga who was wearing Zapu regalia and passed a remark that members of Zapu deserve to be beaten for disrespecting the government. Meanwhile, Zanu PF party continued with its systematic intimidation of citizens in the province. On 9 May it was reported that Zanu PF activist identified as Kuda Chamboko went around forcing vendors to buy new party cards or risk losing their stands at Mkambo market. Political intolerance at the highest level happened in this province when CCC leader Nelson Chamisa was barred from attending the funeral of Chief Mabhikwa, who died in a car accident this month. It is said that Chamisa arrived at the funeral and just as his security team was about to open the vehicle doors- state security agents blocked them while others were manhandled. The state security agents went to lay a siege on Chamisa’s vehicle, leaving him having to follow the entire funeral proceedings from his car. Zanu PF also continued to use food as an instrument to campaign and in Bubi constituency, a Zanu PF activist identified as David Moyo of Ward 5 deprived food aid to perceived opposition supporters. A similar incident happened at Siyangaya village, where Zanu PF activist only identified as Mandla Lifa intimidated villagers at the local shops, and said that those who failed to vote for Zanu PF in 2023 would be struck off the list of inputs beneficiaries. 15

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