#PROVINCIAL OUTLOOK HARARE MOST CCC MEMBERS WERE LEFT NURSING SERIOUS INJURIES MASH CENTRAL ON 16 APRIL 2022, VILLAGERS IN MAZOWE SOUTH AT PROTEA FARM (WARD 16) WERE FORCED TO CONTRIBUTE CASH TOWARDS THE INDEPENDENCE DAY COMMEMORATIONS. Harare province witnessed high levels of political violence towards the ward 7 Zengeza West by -election conducted on 7 May 2022. Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) supporters led by aspiring ward 7 local authority candidate Lovemore Maiko clashed with Zanu PF youths in Chitungwiza during election campaigns resulting in violent skirmishes. As CCC activists were conducting a voter mobilisation campaign on 3 May, they were violently attacked by Zanu PF youths forcing them to retaliate. Street battles were reported in most parts of Zengeza west. However, most CCC members were left nursing serious injuries. In a video which went viral on social media, winning Zengeza West ward 7 Councillor Lovemore Maiko was captured on video being attacked with stones by Zanu PF youths. Maiko sustained severe cuts on the head while Lazarus Sigauke was left battling for his life in hospital. The Independence Day commemorations in Mashonaland Central province were conducted at district and constituency level. The major challenge citizens encountered during the commemorations were forced contributions by Zanu PF and traditional leaders. There was a disturbing trend of violations where people were forced to contribute in cash and in kind towards the celebrations. This trend has been notable since year 2000 to date and Zanu PF has been at the centre of all actions by traditional leaders forcing civil servants (teachers, nurses) and villagers to contribute against their will. In Mazowe South Glendale Zanu PF district members came up with an ambitious list of food and non-food items which they went around demanding from the business fraternity, individuals and house holds. Below are some of the incidents. On 16 April 2022, villagers in Mazowe South at Protea farm (Ward 16) were forced to contribute cash towards the Independence Day commemorations. Zanu PF Youth Chairperson Mcdonald Chagaka and Youth Secretary Jealous Franciso went around the farm compounds collecting $1.00 USD contributions per household. In Bindura South ward 12 at Muonwe Township Zanu PF chairperson Abraham Mhembere, coerced villagers to contribute cash towards the Independence Day commemorations. Villagers were made to contribute a $1.00 USD per household and Mhembere claimed the ruling party, Zanu PF, was fundraising money to purchase a cow for the celebrations 14

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