#PROVINCIAL OUTLOOK MASH EAST ZANU PF COUNCILLOR DAVID KUFAKWEMBA TOLD A CCC ACTIVIST TO VACATE THE WARD AS SHE WAS ACCUSED OF SPREADING AND DISTRIBUTING CCC MATERIAL. MASH WEST MIDLANDS AFTER THE MEETING, UNKNOWN ASSAILANTS ATTACKED A HOUSE BELONGING TO MUKASHI AND ASSAULTED HIS WIFE The province is fast becoming a ‘no-go’ area for opposition politics as Zanu PF continued to hold a series of meetings where villagers received all sorts of threats if they ever associated with the opposition. In Murehwa North and South, CCC supporters were targeted for mobilizing supporters and wearing yellow clothes. On 15 May, in Muguvamadzi Village Ward 10 of Mudzi North Zanu PF Councillor David Kufakwemba told a CCC activist to vacate the ward as she was accused of spreading and distributing CCC material. The victim spends most of her time in Chitungwiza where she is gainfully employed. Kufakwemba told Saragado to stop any developments on her stand as she was no longer welcome in Mudzi. The highlight in Mashonaland West was an incident where soldiers descended on and attacked villagers in Chegutu. The soldiers, armed with guns, whips and knobkerries were reportedly out to avenge the beating of their colleague by machete gangsters in the area. The attack left 20 villagers in need of medical attention at Chegutu General Hospital. Chegutu has remained a political hotspot of machete gang wars and it is alleged that Chegutu legislator, Dexter Nduna, is protecting artisanal miners using his political muscle and for political gain. In the Midlands, ZPP recorded intra-party violence by members of CCC and one of the incidents happened in Chirumhanzu South. During a CCC meeting attended by the party’s National Organizing Secretary Amos Chibaya, two rivals, Simbarashe Mukashi and Patrick Cheza, who are all intending to contest in the 2023 elections for Chirumanzu South Constituency, disregarded the party’s directive and bussed their respective supporters, resulting in squabbles and clashes. After the meeting, unknown assailants attacked a house belonging to Mukashi and assaulted his wife. One of the perpetrators allegedly left behind a branded Zanu PF t-shirt and hat. Meanwhile, Zanu PF continues to use food aid to campaign in the province and as the cost of living continues to rise and the levels of vulnerability escalates, food and other aid is likely to be more politicised. In one of the cases in Shurugwi South Zanu PF party supporters who have membership cards, were the only ones who benefitted from the government aid. The supporters received a 50 kg bag of wheat, two bags of Compound D fertilizer and three bags of Compound C fertilizer per individual and Zanu PF members identified as John Mujubheki Murambiwa, Daniel Mulambo and Unity Moyo were in charge of the process. 13

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