SPECIAL FOCUS OUR FINDINGS WHY ZIMBABWE IS HUNGRY The conflation of the ruling party and the State compounded by impunity continued and ruling party officials and activists continued to hijack government programmes without facing any consequences. Any citizens who attempted to call out these partisan acts face the brutality of the Zanu PF activists. The politicization disenfranchised deserving individuals who had the merit and capacity to produce. In November 2021, ZPP warned that if the politicization of aid was not abetted, it would contribute to heightened levels of food insecurity. Unfortunately, none of the recommendations were not taken into account and we believe this is one of the major reasons why the country is facing a food security crisis that could have been avoided. Currently, there is a pending court case where the Deputy Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement Douglas Karoro has been arraigned on allegations of grabbing 700 bags of fertiliser, US$18 000 worth of maize seed and 5 000 vegetable seed kits from Presidential inputs schemes between March and May, and selling them at his private shop. ZPP ha recorded cases of corruption during the distribution of Pfumvudza inputs and this is documented in 2021 October, November and December Monthly Montioring Reports available on zimpeaceproject.com. Unfortunately, government continued to pay a blind eye. In light of this, ZPP strongly recommends that government holds to account all individuals who have been implicated in politicization and looting of inputs and have them pay up so that the funds can be used to purchase the much-needed grain. We are aware that there are some individuals who have been given inputs and agricultural equipment in the various shady agricultural inputs and mechanization schemes, which began in the early 2000s and these people have continued to benefit at the expense of the taxpayer. There is need for an audit to establish the extent of the loss and to hold to account those who have benefitted without meeting their contractual obligations to produce. Unless this happens, the tax payer will continue to lose out and Zimbabwe will always be begging for food aid from neighbouring countries and the fiscus will continue to be drained of the money that could go to other needs. Food aid has been used as a tool for coercion in communities. Credit: BBC/EPA 9

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