#RRRV2023 Using a highly sophisticated data analysis tool, ZPP maps the severity of the violations to give an indication of the political volatility of each province. National Outlook 0 2 Midlands 1 Matabeleland South 1 Matabeleland North 1 4 1 6 8 10 12 3 1 1 Masvingo Mashonaland West 14 12 Mild 4 1 4 Mashonaland East Fatal severe 5 Mashonaland Central serious 10 Manicaland 5 1 Harare 6 7 6 Bulawayo 0 1 2 3 As in the graph above, there is marginal increase in the number of politically motivated human rights violations to a total of 70, from the 55 recorded in January. The majority of the violations recorded are serious and severe and this means, there were more cases of assault and threats to citizens’ lives. Notably, Harare was a hotspot of political violence, and 4 5 6 7 This is the fifth nstalment of ZPP’s feature as part of its campaign to resist, reject and report violence ahead of the 2023 election. The campaign, #RRRV2023 is specifically designed as an early warning system of political violence with the view that relevant agents can adopt preventive measures. It is also designed to create active citizen participation in resisting, rejecting and reporting acts of political violence. This is because ZPP has noted how community members are used to mete out violence against each other and the moment they unite against violence, peaceful contestation is likely to prevail. The #RRRV2023 campaign, separates politically motivated human rights violations from all the other forms of violations, and using a highly sophisticated data analysis tool, ZPP maps the severity of the violations to give an indication of the political volatility of each province. recorded a total of 14, followed by Masvingo, which had 13 and while Midlands had 5 cases, it is the only province with a fatality. The fatality is from the unfortunate incident where suspected Zanu PF machete gangs descended on a CCC rally in Kwekwe, killing two and injuring dozens others. The incident has become one of the most unfortunate episodes in the recent history of Zimbabwe and the attempts by the ruling party to shake off responsibility are of great concern as it shows insincerity, and inability to take responsibility. We also take note of the fact that more of the politically motivated human rights violations targeted the newly formed CCC. (See Provincial Highlights for more details)

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