declared to be a claim for party stalwarts. An incident of this nature took place in Chakari on 16 July 2015 while in June 2015 a similar incident was reported in Raffingora in Zvimba North. · · · · · In Kadomaa man lost a residential stand he had paid for because of his party affiliation. A Zanu PF councilor for ward 4 Godfrey Mavura refunded the man $900 as deposit and installments he had made after a Zanu PF member approached the councilor for a stand. The councilor indicated that they give stands to Zanu PF members before attending to people from other parties. In Hurungwe a headman was removed from his position by Chief Nyamhunga, Boniface Mafinya for supporting Mliswa during the June 10 by elections. He was accused of allowing his wife to be Mliswa’s polling agent at Nyamhunga Primary School which did not go well with Zanu PF supporters who reported him to the chief indicating that he supported Mliswa. The chief ruled in favor of the Zanu PF supporters and accused the headman of being a sellout. He was expelled and this leaves the number of people expelled from leadership positions for being associated with Mliswa at 8. On 13 July a widow was ordered to move from Kadooda village ward 17 in Hurungwe West after receiving an eviction order from the Hurungwe District Council Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Jotam Moyo. The CEO instructed Magunje council workers to evict her from the homestead she built in 1978 without compensation. Her husband died in 2007 and she remained with her two sons who have since built their homes on the homestead. The widow became a target for eviction when one of her sons was among the MDC T supporters who destroyed a Zanu PF torture base after the 2008 runoff elections. The chief vowed that MDC T supporters will have to be accommodated by their party and will not live in his area. Chief Nyamhunga is reported to have suspended another headman in Mashuma 2 ward 17.He was accused of having influenced voters to vote for Mliswa on 10 June 2015 by elections. The other reason for the suspension was his refusal to follow instructions to feign illiteracy to polling officers so that he could be assisted to vote to ensure a vote for Zanu PF candidate Keith Guzah. The headman indicated that he was interrogated by members of the Central Intelligence Office over the allegation. He was suspended until further notice and is living in fear. When gold was discovered in Chakari ward 2 Sanyati Rural District Council pegged stands and people swiftly moved in to do artisanal mining. However, Zanu PF officials called in the police who detained the 70 miners and forced them to pay $20 each for trespassing. Thereafter only Zanu PF officials in the district structures with detectors were allowed to mine. The area has since been fenced and it has been rumored that it has been bought by a Kadoma Zanu PF member Jimayi Muduuri. The miners were detained on 16 July 2015. 9

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