the opposition party. Right to personal integrity and human dignity Property rights Right to food, education Property rights 19 6 5 1 Right to personal liberty Property rights 1 1 33 Harassment/intimidation Theft/looting Assault Discrimination Unlawful detention Displacement Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Property rights Right to liberty and security of person Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to personal liberty Property rights 19 4 1 1 1 1 27 Mash East Mash Central Harassment/intimidation Theft/looting Discrimination Malicious damage to property Unlawful detention Displacement Total 15 v Zanu PF leaders in ward 17, Hoya village in Muzarabani North called a meeting and forced MDC-T members to attend. Three victims from Piano village were dragged to the meeting by Zanu PF youths. They were forced to denounce MDC-T by Andrew Mupinga of Zanu PF. Chief Katsekera of Hoya who was invited to the meeting instructed the victims to denounce the party before him. He indicated that they were going to be evicted if they attended MDC-T or NGO meetings. They were told to list down the names of other people who attend MDC-T meetings. The chief called them to his car as he was leaving and indicated that if they did not attend Zanu PF meetings they will be evicted from the village. v On 21 July Trinity farm in Centenary in Muzarabani South was invaded by two Zanu PF members one of them Tapiwa Mukusha of Bindura. They came in with four other people to demand 3 quarters of the farm from the owner. They indicated that they got offer letters from the Provincial land office, which they did not produce. The farmer was told not do any farming activities in the specified areas. The other four people have been left to watch over the farmer to ensure he does not use the specified area. v Zanu PF primary elections for Marondera Central seat were held on 16 July 2015.The contestants were Lawrence Katsiru, Cleopas Kundiona, Luka Chimoka, Giri Gotora, Ralph Chimanikire, Thomas Taruvinga and one candidate identified as Chikutekute. It is alleged that Katsiru bribed people who were campaigning for the other candidates to make the names of many people to disappear from the voters’ roll. Katsiru is accused of having perpetrated serious crimes of rape and murder in the

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