30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% MDC-T ZANU PF NCA Figure 6: July 2015 Intra-party Violations - Percentage of Reported Cases Masvingo Denial of access to resources was the major incident recorded in the province. Uncertainty surrounds the privately owned Hippo Valley and Triangle Sugar Estates after the Provincial Minister threatened the company with compulsory acquisition on 24 July should the company refuse to fund Zanu PF campaign programmes for 2018. Minister Shuvai Mahofa said that she could only guarantee security of tenure to the vast agricultural conglomerate if they assist the ruling party with material and monetary resources to win the 2018 general elections. Four people died at Chirenje Dam in Chiredzi West, Ward 27. It is reported that the victims were fishing when Munodawafa a police officer approached them intending to arrest the six fishermen. The victims reacted by trying to swim so as to evade the arrest. Four of the six could not make it and died in the waters. Following the July 17 Supreme Court judgment, 24 Chiredzi Town Council employees were sacked. The employees were given 3 months notice soon after the court judgment. All the 24 workers were MDC-T members who were employed in 2008 when the council was dominated by opposition party members. · On 27 July at Nyika Growth Point, Bikita West three suspected MDC-T members were verbally harassed at Nyika Grain Marketing Board (GMB) depot by a soldier stationed at the depot. The victims went to the GMB depot to enquire about the payment of their maize crop they delivered in the 2013/14 farming season. The GMB officials referred them to the soldier who verbally threatened them and said he would shoot them should they persist in their demands. Matebeleland North Political activity was low since the aftermath of the by-election in Tsholotsho North which saw the entire province campaigning for Professor Jonathan Moyo. However, incidents of inter party intimidation and threats of violence as well as discrimination were recorded. Within Zanu PF those thought of or accused of belonging to former Vice President Mujuru’s camp continued to be sidelined more so as the party is already in the process of identifying candidates for the 2018 elections. 10

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