they did not want to work with Agritex officer Mhike and irrigation scheme supervisor Stanley Dube as the two had appointed the scheme committee which they filled with Zanu PF members only. The meeting which was supposed to introduce the block system was aborted as the villagers protested that they could not work with people who discriminate them. v On 22 July the Umzingwane Zanu PF women’s league chairperson identified as Matshazi gathered Nyema villagers in ward 20 and told them to contribute $1 each for First Lady Grace Mugabe’s birthday celebrations. Most villagers said they could not afford and were not willing to pay for someone else’s birthday as they themselves cannot afford to throw birthday parties. She then said Zanu PF members should contribute and those who refused were not going to benefit from aid and development programmes organized by Zanu PF. Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood 3 3 v On 8 July it was reported that Shepherd Nkomo of Sizangobuhle ward 5 in Tsholotsho North who defected from MDC-T to Zanu PF earlier this month reported to a Zanu PF meeting held at Sipepa Rest Camp that he had been chased away from home by his father for having requested Zanu PF to assist him with building materials to construct his Mat North Harassment/Intimidation Discrimination 20

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