were not fairly distributed as the distribution is alleged to have been done in secret and only people affiliated to Zanu PF benefited. Matebeleland South · On 15 July in Matobo, Zanu PF structures in wards 16 and 17 distributed rice to villagers which they said was a government program to help villagers in the drought stricken area. However, Shumbashabe villagers complained that they were only given 2kg per homestead regardless of the family size. They also complained that they were forced to pay a dollar each as transport money so the rice could be ferried from Bulawayo. They were also forced to pay one rand per homestead to transport Zanu PF women’s league official Mrs. Agnes Siziba to Maphisa to look for the distribution itinerary. They said they were not supposed to pay anything and purport that Mrs Siziba and Mr. Fanuel Ndlovu also a Zanu PF activist from Lushumbe conned them. The villagers accuse the Zanu PF officials of having taken 50kg bags each. 13

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