Unlawful Detention Total Right to liberty Assault Right to personal integrity and human dignity 1 Disrupted Political meeting Freedom of Assembly 1 Harassment/Intimidation Right to personal integrity and human dignity 8 1 45 Total 10 In Glen View North, on July 25, three MDC-T youths led by their aspiring candidate were verbally harassed by three Zanu PF youths who later called the police accusing the victims of pulling down Zanu PF campaign posters at Glenview 2 High. Police detained the aspiring candidate who was released the following day without charge.  Mbare residents of ward 3 and 4 were forced to attend a Zanu PF rally at number 5 ground by twelve Zanu PF youths led by Jim Kunaka, Harare Provincial youth chairperson for Zanu PF. The province recorded 9 cases of politically motivated violations in July down from 16 noted in June. This is however, not to say the political environment is conducive as Mat North continues to see the disruption of MDC-T meetings and those of Civil Society with political players maintaining traits of intolerance towards each other.  At a Bar in Mpumalanga, Hwange Central constituency an MDC-T supporter was harassed and intimidated by a member of the Army (ZNA). It is reported that the perpetrator snatched the survivor’s beret and used it as a toilet before telling the survivor that he should leave MDC-T and join Zanu PF if he wanted to live peacefully. It is further reported that they threatened the survivor by telling him that if he reports the matter anywhere he would be in trouble. This took place on July the 16th.  Mat North Mat South Bulaway o  Assault Harassment/Intimidation Malicious Damage to property Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity Property rights 1 23 2 25 Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity Property rights Right to food, aid and livelihood Freedom of Assembly 8 1 2 1 1 Total Harassment/Intimidation Assault Malicious Damage to property Discrimination Disrupted Political meeting 8 At Sizangobuhle, ward 5, Sipepa Village, villagers were forced to attend a Zanu PF rally. The perpetrators were reported to be two war veterans June Sibanda and George Mhlanga.It is reported that they were accompanied by two women and all of them were wearing Zanu PF regalia. The incident was reported to have happened on the 23rd of July 2013 at Tsholotsho North constituency Matabeleland South province recorded a decline in number of politically motivated human right violations with 9 in July as opposed to the 17 in June, 2013. Though the figures may be low, the environment remains tense owing to a hype of political activities in the build up towards anticipated elections. The province in July recorded 13 cases of politically motivated violations an increase from the 6 recorded in the previous month The province also witnessed a hype of activities driven by the July 31 harmonized elections preparation. The city hosted quite a number of political rallies from almost all political parties in the presidential race

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