kill. In Mazowe West (Mashonaland Central), Zanu PF militia bases were established at Watakai Farm. Youths were recruited and there was a door to door campaign meant to force people to vote for Zanu PF. On Election Day, incidences of voters being shepherded to polling stations by Zanu PF activists such as traditional leaders, war veterans and youths were reported throughout the country. Very articulate and educated people like teachers were forced to vote as assisted voters. In areas such as Mutare South, Mazowe, and other areas, Zanu PF leaders and traditional leaders had books “Zanu PF supervisor’s election data book” where voters were entered after voting. According to Zimbabwe Electoral Commission figures the number of assisted voters nationally amounted to a massive 206 901 regardless of the fact that Zimbabwe boasts of a 96% literacy rate. This high number of assisted voters compromised the integrity and secrecy of the ballot. Figure 1: Human Rights Violation levels: April – July 2013 Figure 2: Violations on politicized food & aid distribution 10 5 Provincial Violations - FMR July 2013 7 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 4: Human Rights Violation levels: period 4 months before June 27 2008 run off and July 31, 2013 elections Figure 3: Comparative figures Harmonized Election 2008 & 2013 1000 806 800 593 496 1333 July 685 June 524 400 May 519 200 April 511 600 511 524 496 0 0 Harmonized 2008 - Jan -Mar Harmonized 2013May-Jul 3 2000 3758 6288 4380 4000 6000 8000

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