#PROVINCIAL OUTLOOK HARARE MASH CENTRAL ARTUZ President Obert Masaraure, CCC legislators Job Sikhala, Godfrey Sithole and 11 CCC activists remained detained for the better part of the month and at the time of witing this report they were still detained. Masaraure was arrested on 8 July for inciting public violence after he allegedly posted on Twitter urging teachers to demand the release of his colleague, Robson Chere, who was in jail by that time. Masaraure was apprehended on charges of obstructing and defeating the course of justice. CCC leader Nelson Chamisa was denied entry into Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison where he sought to visit Sikhala, Godfrey Sithole, and 11 other party activists. Chamisa was made to wait for three hours before being told that he is a high-profile political leader, he was supposed to seek clearance first from officials of the Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services(ZPCS). Officers of the ZPCS at Chikurubi Maximum prison made Hon Tendai Biti of the CCC to wait several hours when he sought to visit the party colleagues in prison. He. Was also directed to seek permission from the Commissioner General of the ZPCS. A few weeks before these incidents Roselyn Hanzi had also been barred from visiting her clients. The matter had to be resolved by the courts. On 16 July Parere Kunyenzura, the leader of the Zimbabwe Transformative Party (ZTP), and some of his party’s leadership were arrested in Harare’s central business district during what a party official said was a prayer walk. On 12 July, the police hauled Sikhala out of Chikurubi to press more charges following his arrest in connection with the Nyatsime violence. They charged him with obstructing or defeating the course of justice using the same circumstances as the first charge. It is alleged that Sikhala was barred from seeking medical attention at Chikurubi Maximum Prison. In the province, Zanu PF supporters continued to threaten to unleash violence if the ruling party loses the 2023 elections. For example, former Zanu PF Chairperson Kufa Gwingwizha has been going around intimidating opposition supporters in Mazowe Central, Chiweshe at Chaona Business Centre ward 3. Gwingwizha is inciting villages to kill opposition supporters ahead of the 2023 elections. On 23 July he reportedly addressed a village meeting in ward 3 saying that all CCC supporters deserve to die. He said these words in full view of community members and chastised villagers to clap hands for him. The widespread violence is going to affect the environment in the run up to the elections unless something is done and done urgently to deescalate the tensions. 9

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