FOCUS STOKING POLARISATION Our Analysis The ruling party, which has effectively erased the state-party divide, has become so intolerant to opposing views that as the 2023 elections approach, the contempt for any opposition or dissent has now become so acute it is bordering on hatred. Ruling party functionaries at all levels have continued to publicly state that Zanu PF and state security agents are prepared to launch an all-out war against civil rights activists and opposition political players and this is a sure sign that the country’s 2023 elections are set to have a premeditated outcome in favour of the ruling party. What is so very disconcerting is that the country’s police appear utterly oblivious to the threat to peace, harmony and unity the utterances by those in Zanu PF are posing. To the ruling party, anyone who does not agree is a sell-out, there are no grey areas. It is such language that is so dangerous that if untamed, can lead to the country degenerating into chaos and violence and the ruling party should set itself back to the ethos of democracy, tolerance and good governance. Our Recommendations It is high time President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who has promised, and so far, failed, to deliver a democratic, economically prosperous Zimbabwe, pressed the reset button and work towards ensuring that Zimbabweans enjoy the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. It is not a favour, but a constitutional obligation for government to create an environment of freedom and by acceding to stand as the President of Zimbabwe, Mnangagwa signed a contract with the people of Zimbabwe that he was going to abide by the Constitution, and he should simply just do so! 6

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