The Round Up Human rights violations continued on a high trend during the month of elections. ZPP recorded 384 human rights violations, a huge increase from 301 in July 2023. Fifty nine percent of the violations were of threats, harassment, and intimation, 16% of assault and 9% of malicious damage to property (MDP). ZPP identified 8 832 victims of human rights violations (51% male, 48% female, 0.11% male persons with disability and 0.12% female PWDs). The general citizens populated the highest percentage of victims, 86 percent, and Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) supporters followed with 12%. Zanu PF party perpetrated most of the violations (37%), followed by the Forever Associate Zimbabwe (FAZ) at 28%. Harare (98) and Manicaland (70) provinces recorded the highest violations, whilst Matabeleland North (11) and Bulawayo (14) had the lowest. The 2023 general elections were marred by human rights violations across the country. Members of Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front (Zanu PF) affiliate group Forever Associate Zimbabwe (FAZ) were implicated in harassing citizens in rural and urban communities. The August 2023 Monthly Monitoring Report (MMR) captures passionate stories of victims of human rights abuses during the pre and post-election phase which was characterised by gross intimidation and harassment of citizens by FAZ working in coordination with some traditional leaders participating in partisan politics. In the history of Zimbabwe’s political and electoral affairs, the 2023 elections left an indelible mark when the Southern African Development Community’s (SADC’s) Preliminary Statement on the Zimbabwe Harmonised Elections noted that some aspects of the Harmonised Elections, fell short of the requirements of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the Electoral Act, and the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections (2021). Page 1

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