Masvingo Province The province recorded an increase of assault cases particularly in Bikita, Chiredzi and Gutu districts. In Chiredzi West, ward 18 it was reported that CCC activist was attacked by a group of Zanu PF members who stoned and left him unconscious. The victim was dragged from a ladder, manhandled and stoned using pedals and farm bricks. Allegedly, the victim was targeted after they were seen distributing and pasting campaign materials for the CCC. A similar case was recorded in Chilonga ward 7 of Chiredzi South where another CCC member was attacked by a group of Zanu PF activists led by Joel Sithole. It is reported that at the crack of dawn, Zanu PF assailants led by the aspiring Member of Parliament, Joel Sithole went to the victim’s residence to deliver death threat messages to the CCC aspiring councillor . The death threat message was delivered in the form of a bunch of funeral flowers with a written note, ‘RIP …… and wife’. Steven and Kelvin Chauke delivered the note at the victim’s doorstep. However, they were identified as they tried to escape into a vehicle. To identify more assailants, the victim managed to jump into the assailants’ unmarked vehicle as it was in motion. The victim allegedly managed to jump off the vehicle after identifying another assailant, Rodgers Mashora who was the Zanu PF aspiring councillor for ward 6. The vicitm sustained bruises when he was manhandled by Steven and injuries to his leg when he jumped off the vehicle. In ward 18 of Bikita East CCC supporters were attacked by a group of Zanu PF activists along Mutare road. It is reported that 7 members of the CCC were attacked by a group of Zanu PF activists travelling along Mutare road. The assailants intercepted the CCC members who were heading to Nehanda village for a campaign outreach mobilisation. Allegedly, the assailants ridiculed the CCC members, threw stones and assaulted them. One of the victims who was beaten and had a head injury owing to the stones that were thrown at him. The province recorded violation of political rights and freedom of assembly and association. In Chiredzi ward 21, a Zanu PF activist identified as Sipotsi Nyamapanda intimidated villagers that those who failed to vote for Zanu PF would be punished through beatings. Nyamapanda also told community members that those that reside in the resettlement would be required to provide evidence that they voted for Zanu PF. In Bikita East ward 18, it was reported that Zanu PF activists led by Alfred Vambe were intimidating and threatening citizens that people shall be killed and tortured if the ruling party lost in the August elections. Vambe and crew made it clear that anyone found not voting for the ruling party would be monitored. Page 16

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