On 4 August police allegedly wearing riot gear went on a rampage assaulting citizens in Waterfalls, Zindoga area. It is alleged that the officers were beating people indiscriminately for gathering in numbers around 9 to 10 pm. The officers reportedly entered shops and collected money and other valuables. They also threw teargas canisters dispersing people at the shopping centres. Some properties were destroyed during the fracas. A similar incident was reported on 22 August at beer drinking spaces in Harare Central Belgravia at “Kwa-Angie area”. On 25 August, a CCC activist was brutally attacked by suspected Zanu PF supporters in Budiriro 4, ward 33 soon after arriving from a rural outreach campaign. It is alleged that the victim was assaulted with sticks and sjamboks by young people who accused him of selling out to the opposition. The victim sustained serious injuries and received medical assistance at a local hospital. affected as the victims were left without adequate shelter to sustain their families. Mashonaland West Province A case on the right to personal security was reported in Hurungwe West ward 24 on 25 August. The CCC Hurungwe West Chief election agent was brutally attacked by suspected Zanu PF youths and members of FAZ. The victim was reportedly assaulted with sticks and clenched fists and he sustained internal injuries. It is alleged that after assaulting him, the perpetrators made a false report to the police leading to the victim being detained on falsified allegations. In other reports in Mhondoro Mubaira, 2 days before the harmonised elections Zanu PF ward 4 District Chairperson Renny Manyara organised a campaign march where citizens were forced to attend the ruling party activity against their will. Villagers who attended the event spent half the day marching around shopping areas being made to sing and chant revolutionary songs denigrating the CCC. Vendors were threatened with eviction from vending stalls if they failed to attend the campaign march. On 6 August a CCC activist, and his family were lucky to be alive and that no valuable property was damaged after an unknown assailant threw a suspected petrol bomb in their home in Chikonohono high density suburb. The incident occurred around 4:30pm at a time some members of the family were in the building. The CCC activist was not at home when the incident happened. Fortunately no one was hurt. Mashonaland East Province On polling day in Marondera East ward 3 at Mutukwa Village, a farmer’s home was torched around 2000hrs by suspected Zanu PF supporters. It is alleged that the victim, who is a farmer, was constantly receiving threats from Zanu PF Councillor Bonset Nyarambi for not attending ruling party meetings. At some point, Nyarambi chastised the victim accusing him of concentrating more on his farming activities instead of balancing his schedule to attend Zanu PF meetings. The alleged suspects mapped in the incident are Councillor Nyarambi and Zanu PF youths Farai Phiri and Johannes Phiri. On 4 August, a CCC activist had his home torched by suspected Zanu PF supporters in Seke constituency at Machingauta village ward 3. The incident happened around 8-9 pm when the family had gathered for supper. Page 14

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